Saturday, February 4, 2012

Nora Roberts writing as J.D. Robb? Any order toEve Dallas series?

What exactly does Nora Roberts mean when she is "writing as J.D. Robb"? does she have split personalities or was J.D. a character in another book? And does it matter what order you read the series in because I have read like four of them and they reference to other cases|||Nora Roberts also writes as J.D. Robb. This allows her to write two different styles of books (or books set in different time periods). Amanda Quick (historical fiction/mystery) is written by Jayne Anne Krentz (contemporary).

Here's a website and all the info you need on Robb:|||The J.D. Robb books are only about Eve Dallas and Roarke. It's best if you read them in order. The order is given on her website. The earlier books are better than the more recent books.

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