Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nora roberts fans!!?

if you've read nora roberts, what do you think of the key trilogy, especially zoe's story, montana sky and true betrayals?|||At this point in time I have not read a NR book/story that I haven't liked. I really liked the all three of the Key Stories. Montana sky was good, I liked how the sister's dynamic worked and changed in the story. I liked True Betrayals, I rooted for Kelsey's mother, I felt she got a raw deal. One of my very favorites are her Born In trilogy and her Chesepeake Bay Series. I like the family dynamics she portays and that touch of "other worldliness". I also love he In Death series w/a J.D. Robb|||I've read all of them except true betrayals i really enjoyed them.

The key trilogy was great. That's the one thing that i like about her books... the mythology and somethings based in Ireland...

But if you like her u just might like Danielle Steel I LOVE her books!!!|||Nora Roberts is a great author. I loved the Key Trilogy. The Donavan Legacy was really good also. I have read nearly all of her books.|||I haven't read one of her books that I haven't liked! She's really good at what she does. I especially love her In Death series!!|||LOVED the key trilogy, especially Zoe's story (how can you beat a hot rich guy and a cute kid?)

Montana sky was decent, though I thought it could have been broken down into a trilogy so we could read more about the characters.

True betrayals...wasn't that memorable, i.e. I don't remember it.

But I LOVE Nora Roberts.|||I really liked the key trilogy! I liked how she wove real history into the story. Nora can really make you feel like you are there.

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