Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wil there be new Nora Roberts movies in 2011?

Does not appear so. As you probably know, there were four in 2007 and another four in 2009, but according to IMDb there are none in development at this time.|||Gabrielle Anwar was chosen to be in Carnal Innocence. This happened in January.

Can i read nora roberts books?

Am i old enough to read it?

I'm 14 btw.|||Nora Roberts is a very good aurthor, but the only thing that I don't like is that in some of her books, she uses God's name in vain a lot.|||Yeah. I read her books when I was 12.|||Yes. you can.|||yes. you can also read harry potter books.|||ahh ya i started reading Norah Roberts when i was 14 and i love them|||Yeah sure, they are a bit too sentimental (Corny is a better word). You might face a few difficulties, but overall yeah you can.|||i would say yes, I started either when I was 13 or 14, so I would say that you're old enough. Plus when she has some explicit parts that you don't want to read or feel uncomfortable reading, than just read the dialogue or skip it, I would advice reading the dialogue and probable skimming through it to know what's happening, otherwise you might get lost.|||I started reading Nora Roberts books when i was twelve love her. Some of my favorites are Charmed!! Blue Dahlia, Dance Upon the Air, Jewels of the Sun and Tears of the Moon|||Yes i would say you can read the Nora Roberts books. It all depends on how high your reading level is. I read these books when i was about 12 or 13 maybe i was a little younger. I can't really remember.

Do you prefer JD Robb or Nora Roberts books?

Yes, I know its the same person, but the style is different. Was just curious which version was most enjoyed. I happen to love both. The best one was "Remember When" I would love to see her do more like that. But it might get old.|||I like the Nora Roberts books, have only read one of the JD Robb books and didnt quite get into it like the Roberts books.|||Neither. I do not understand the hype of this particular author:(

Who was the murderer in nora roberts northern lights?

It was Ed Woolcott.

Who is the stalker in The Sanctuary by nora roberts?

Kyle Delaney was the stalker.

David Delaney was the man who murdered the main characters mother years %26amp; years ago. Nobody knew she had been murdered, they thought she'd run away.

Fast forward 20 or so years %26amp; David Delaney's son, Kyle, is stalking the daughter of the woman his father had murdered. He murdered 2 or 3 other people during his stalking period.

Nathan Delaney - David's son, Kyle's brother - is the main characters love interest.|||Oh my gosh!? No way!!! Haha, I thought it was going to be Nathan, he's such a prick. I can't believe she doesn't have better boundaries with him. But then again, I'm only like 40min into the movie. ;)

Thanks for the spoiler! It was needed!

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Nora Roberts fans: What's your favorite Nora Roberts book?

I love Dual Image and Lovers %26amp; Dreamers...|||Northern Lights|||I'm not much of a reader but i just started to read Blue Smoke.|||Valley of Silence is my favorite, with Inner Harbor and Sweet Revenge as close seconds. I really like her triloges/series: The Three Sisters, Concannon Sisters, Chesapeake Bay, and the Key.

Who writes better tear-jerking romances: Nicholas Sparks or Nora Roberts? Who writes better love scenes?

Tear jerkers - Nicholas Sparks

Love scenes - Nora Roberts|||I'm in love with Nicholas Sparks %26lt;3333 Nora Roberts is amazing too though!

Tear jerks would be Nicholas Sparks, and love scenes would be Nora Roberts :D|||definitely nicholas sparks. no question. he's just amazing. ALL his books are wonderful.